Healthy date bar with Peanut

Healthy date bar with Peanut

Healthy snack you can use it on skipping breakfast. It can also provide your children with their daily intake of iron.

Dates are rich in fibers and can be helpful for lowering inflammation. Dates are also considered as a healthy substitute for white sugar in recipes due to their sweet taste, richness in nutrients, fiber and antioxidants. Peanuts are high in fat, consisting mostly of mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids but they are also an exceptionally good source of protein and are low in carbs. This makes them a good dietary choice for people with diabetes.Peanuts are an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. These include biotin, copper, niacin, folate, manganese, vitamin E, thiamin, phosphorus, and magnesium. Peanuts are also rich in antioxidnets, and can be considered an effective component of a weight loss diet.


Nutritious Value

  • Soothes Cough.
  • Rich in Vitamins A,B.
  • Safe for children and pregnant women.

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